Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Mops is a nation wide organization which stands for “moms of preschoolers.”  
It is essentially an escape from all the mundane day to day activities of stay at home momhood and gives you a hot breakfast, a cup of coffee, and some social contact with other women in the same boat as you.  Its nice, I love my group and it more than likely saved my life last year as I struggled through postpartum depression after the birth of my second child.  
I do have to say a few things about MOPS though, basically, rules I think they should have for it.
Rule #1: No makeup allowed. Its 9AM. who the heck do you think you are showing up with makeup on? 
Rule #2: Your pants should be sweat and or pajama and or yoga variety. we are moms, its 9 am, and you got your kids dressed. go you. 
Rule #3: No teasing. I am not even talking about the obvious bullying that moms can do, but even simple playful banter (which I am very prone to) does not belong in mops. you do not know what that mom is going through, you do not know what her morning was like or her story, so even a playful jab at this or that may be enough to push her over the edge. Mops should be a SAFE place for mommies to come and relax, not be on the defensive.
Rule #4: Please throw political correctness out the window. We know you don’t tell your 3 year old not to throw their “excrement” Just say poo poo. we know that’s what you say at home.
Rule #5: Be nice. This is not the same as the no teasing rule but definitely similar. Be nice, even if you don’t know someone, smile and say hi. Don’t talk only to your friends, and invite others into the convo when you are. Cliques weren’t fun in high school, and that hasn’t changed.
Ok so some are funny and some are more serious but this is just my take on the most important rules for a good, stable mops group that gets everything out of it that it is meant to. Hope everyone has a great year!

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