Thursday, July 24, 2014

Free book Saturdays!!


Reed sold exceptionally well over the weekend so I have decided to do 2 more back to back Saturdays to get Reed free! This Saturday and next, Reed will  be available for a free download across the globe on the Kindle Marketplace.

I would like to thank all of you people for its amazing success so far. It has only been out for three months and has sold far more than I ever expected! This is thanks to all the many people who have pimped me out on social media, read, and left me amazing reviews. I love you all and I sure hope you keep doing what you're doing. I owe you for making my dreams come true.

Here are your links!


Please share/tweet/facebook/pimp this out as much as possible because I would love to give as many away as possible!

Thanks again!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Free Ebook!

Reed has been updated with a fresh new cover and will be free this weekend (July 19th & 20th). Please be sure to download it and share the information with all of your friends/social networks. Thank you!




Monday, July 14, 2014

The Challenge Update


I told you all a while back about my 30 in 30 every month challenge, in which I challenged myself to write 30k words a month for 12 months straight. I am happy to update that I am still on track and finished the first draft of another novel this month! I am hoping to finish one more but of course inspiration has struck and that means I am also starting another. I hope I can at least try to finish one a month if I am also going to be starting one a month (or sometimes two).

What am I working on?

A fantasy

A Sci-Fi

A couple of very different romances, though all fairly mild (Think more Nick Sparks and less E.L. James)

Some are stand-alones

Some have sequels

I've also dabbled in the idea of a sort-of sequel to Reed (purchase the first here: in which you would see the main characters about 3 years later and what is going on in their lives, and would change to a Sam-focused POV. Not everyone would be in it, and I would write it so they could be read together or separately. I would love to have some feedback on this idea, I will probably write it regardless, but I don't want to go through the work of publishing if no one wants to read it, you know?

Keep encouraging me (I need it!) and thank you to all the people who are always giving me support and helping me be brave enough to talk about this huge part of me which has remained a hidden one for too long.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Be careful what you wish for: Some thoughts on adoption

      First off I want to say that I come from an adoptive household, I grew up in the culture of adoption, many of my closest friends are adopted, and my husband & I hope we will one day be able to add to our family through adoption. I understand the pain an adoptive family goes through when a child they fall in love with will not be theirs after all. I have been there. I understand that desire to be able to do something when your hands are tied. I really do.

     I also understand the pain and heartache of a birth family wrestling with the decision on whether or not to give up their child, to try and make the call on where they will have their best chance and be brave enough to make the decision.

     I understand the ugliness of situations in which mommies or daddies (or both) don't get to make the decision, but the decision is made for them and their babies are taken away.

    Through friends and family and in my personal life I have been touched by situations like this, and I take none of them lightly. Not a single one. I am totally about to call one of you out, though, and it is you whom I share the closest relation to: the waiting adoptive parent.

     You want a child, I get it. You want to be a forever family, that's awesome. It really is. I am sure you love that child, seen or unseen. I am sure you assume (like every parent does) that you know what is best for this child.

     I have noticed a huge trend in the adoption community, among waiting parents & foster parents, that are hoping, encouraging hope for, praying, etc. that their child's biological parents won't show up. I'm talking about situations where perhaps the child was removed from a home or not allowed to go home in the first place for one reason or another. These parents are usually given extensive opportunities to get their "act" together before their child becomes "adoptable." The goal is to ideally reunite families, and is actually the basis and goal behind foster care (go figure!)

     I regularly (regrettably so) see posts such as "Fingers crossed birth dad won't show to visitation" or "Pray mom doesn't come to court hearing today." You get the picture. And I get it, I do, the dad is awful, the mom is strung out, blah blah blah. Here are 2 simple facts to consider, before you act like this is such an obvious thing to hope for.

           1.  No matter how great this adoption will be for you, not being wanted will never, ever feel like a good thing to your child.

           2.  No matter what, they are still part of your child's story.

      There, I said it. I am sorry. You could be the best parent ever, but when your adopted child grows up, you will still only be one piece of their story. They will have to come to terms with the fact that they were not wanted. They will have to learn to accept the fact that God gave them to someone, and they returned them. They will have to process the hurt that is associated with being given away. Do you really want them to also have to deal with all this and know it is what you hoped for, what you prayed for? Do you really want, when your child is in their deepest point of processing, to feel like you wished this on them?

        Not only that but what if one day your child reconnects with their biological parent. How do you know they won't get their act together eventually and want a relationship? You don't, and selfishly sabotaging your child's biological parent through your actions, words, prayers, etc. is wrong.

        Adoption is hard for everyone involved, everyone. Acting as though this, these decisions, are not going to effect your child in the future is not only ignorant, it's selfish. You don't know people, their potential, their future, their struggles, or where they came from. You can assume, you can read reports, but no one really knows the full truth but them.

Your job is to be there for your child, to think of them first and yourself last. Your job is to hope they get their best possible chance at life, and not assume it's you. Your job is to be there every step of the way, however many steps you are given.

Every decision you make today will effect your child tomorrow (this goes for any parent). Make smart decisions, choose your words wisely, and be careful what you wish for. Realize your silent wish today could be your child's nightmare tomorrow.

I hope I was able to make your wheels turn and help you think about how you are approaching. your child's unique "story." We're all stories in the end.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Certain things should not be made into Pillow Pets...

Pillow Pets-- a great idea in theory until someone made it weird. Now you can get a pillow pet of just about anything. Here are some examples of things that should NOT have been made into pillow pets...

Category one: Non-Four-Legged Creatures...

                                              This isn't's not good either.

                                        Eagles have wings...and talons...not 4 legs...

                                             Who thought this was a good idea?

Category 2: Things that are things or things that you don't know what they are:

                                     A baseball. But with legs. And a Mustache.


                                           Michelin man or ghost? Who's to say?

                                                 I can't even venture a guess...

Category 3: People; real or fictional. No. Just no.

                                      Any of these poorly depicted athletes:

                                                              Stewie, No.

                                    Shrek is not a person, but you can't say this is okay...

                                     I might have expected this from these guys:

                                                          BUT SANTA!?!?!?!

                                      And Dora, get off your knees and go to school!

Then there is Mickey Mouse, who is a little bit of all of these:

                                                                                      Just say no, Mickey...

Hope you got a laugh, if you did please pass it on! :)  I got all the images from the internet and don't own any of them, I don't work for or against pillow pets or any conglomerates there of...blah blah blah... Here is a pillow pet I strongly approve of:

                                                                   Heck yes!