Friday, June 20, 2014

June adventures; Beta reading

Just stopping by for an update on my progress.

June has been one of the most difficult months since I set my goal. For one of the first times in my life, I had serious writer's block for over a week.

I did everything I could think of to kill it, but it just wasn't happening, and I was at a transitional point in all 3 of my works-in-progress. (yes, THREE)

This was pretty much me:

I did things I don't normally have time for, like...clean...and cook healthy meals...

I finally DID get over it, thankfully, and am caught up on my word count-- for now, but I did order some "performance-enhancing drugs" AKA some ENVISION essential oil this month just to keep the juices flowing, just in case, because:

In other news, Elle Quinn Cage (Find her on Twitter @ElleQuinnCage) is writing a romance novel, and I have been privileged with the honor of beta reading/editing it for her.
She's hoping to release by September (which happens to be when I am also hoping to release Make a Wish) and I just have to hyper her a little bit here.

If you like steamy romance, this book has it. Thick plot? check. Twists & surprises? Double check.

This is not your cliche, dark broody man is fixed by the girl next door kind of story, but is a completely different take.

It has far more realistic elements than many other romance novels I've read, which I love because it helps you get lost in the story more easily.

I am probably giving away too much, but anyway, I will be giving a full review in September when it's released, but stay tuned because this baby is going to be good!!

Also, if you or someone you know is a BETA READER or a BOOK BLOGGER, feel free to contact either me or Elle if you would be interested in reading/reviewing our upcoming works. Mine is a (non-erotic) romance, Elle's is a steamy romance, and both are ready for their beta phase!

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