Friday, January 10, 2014

Adventures in essential oils!

Hello again,

For the last few months I have been doing lots of research and sampling of essential oils.

Last year my son Greyson got sick every week. By this time last year he was rushed to the ER 3 times in respiratory distress. Not only was this stressful, heart wrenching, and horrible on our finances, it was exhausting and confusing too. I have always fed my kids healthy whole foods. Even when at times its been hard to afford things like fresh produce, I've prided myself on limiting their processed food intake. My kids get daily exercise, daily vitamins, lots of love and we honestly hardly go anywhere besides church and errands for him to get exposed in the first place.

It was to the point we were avoiding church because we just couldn't bear another illness.

If you don't have kids, let me tell you that watching your child gasp for breath and not being able to do anything about it is the most horrifying feeling ever. Promise. You will never feel more helpless than when your child is going through something and you cannot help them.

This year at one of my MOPS meetings we made home made cleaners. My Discussion group leader then told us about Thieves essential oil and how she felt that is the reason her daughter survived Chemo. It is an immunity boosting essential oil blend discovered to keep people healthy during the bubonic plague (The black plague for those of you who don't know).

I was very intrigued but didn't think too much beyond it, then I heard about it again at my Chiropractor.  She was going to be doing a class on essential oils and I attended.  After hearing the history as well as some personal testimonials on thieves, I was sold.  It was a $45 teeny bottle of Christmas smelling juice, and I had so much apprehension.  I weighed it out logically though and I pay $30 per person as a co-pay for every doctor's visit.  Usually, if one kid gets sick they both do, so usually, its $60 an illness.  $500 per emergency room visit.  If this random black plague oil could save me just one illness, I just "made" $15.

I began putting it very sparingly on the bottoms of my kids feet in the morning and at night any days we were out in the world, with other kids, etc.  I also diffuse it occasionally in an oil diffuser.

This was in October.

So far, we have not been ill since I began this.  I don't even use it every day. If they seem congested, if we are going on a play date, to mops, to church, or to a family gathering, I do it once on their feet before bed.

We have been to 6 mops meetings, church, 4 play dates, mc donald's germ-place, the mall play scape, otherwise known as flu central, all things I would have seriously avoided last year.  These activities would have landed us here:
                                           (Giving Patches a breathing treatment too)

I woke up one morning in November with what I was sure was a severe sinus infection, something that in me would normally last as long as 2 weeks.  I grabbed a supplement I had bought the previous month called "Inner Defense" which is a thieves oil based supplement with a bit of other good stuff too. I took it every 4 hours or so like I normally would have done with my cold medicine. I took no cold medicine, at all. No medicine, no chemicals period.  I took this supplement, oiled my feet repeatedly, and took a few steamy baths.  I was completely back to normal within 24 hours.

By then I was sold and on black Friday I purchased a kit with whole sale membership to young living. This basically just means I get 25% off on my oil purchases. I can make this into a business if I want to, and I really think I may- even though that wasn't my original intention.

The level of pain, discomfort, heartache, and money that one bottle of thieves has saved me is PRICELESS to me.  I have seen tons of people on my facebook, etc. dealing with what we dealt with last year- seemingly endless illnesses and the pain it causes your family and your wallet.

If you never, ever try any other essential oil, just try this one. I guarantee you will not be disappointed with the results!

(If you would like to purchase some thieves essential oil, or any other oils, do so here: If you have any questions about essential oils and what oils to use, feel free to message me!)

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