Thursday, August 18, 2011

Here's the door, all you have to do is walk through.

Anyone who knows me well knows I tend to be a very helpful person, I have found this can be as much of a fault as it is a gift. 
I learned my senior year of high school/freshman year of college there is such a thing as too much giving.  There are certain people who will take and take and never be there for you.  Unfortunately those people are hard to recognize until it is too late. 
This year I seem to be learning about people who just refuse to take. You set everything up for them to solve a problem they confided to you, but they refuse to take the ONE step of action it requires.  They continue to complain, mope, etc. in this problem and you feel like you're screaming your head off saying "JUST DO THIS!! HERE IS THE DOOR, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS WALK THROUGH!!"
No matter how many "strings" I pull, no matter how detailed of information or directions I find, sometimes people are just choosing to be in the situation they are in.  This is also very hard to accept because no one likes to see someone they care about suffering.  Its even harder to realize they won't change it.
Reflecting on this I realize I have only encountered a handful of people like this. How frustrating it must be for God, who is constantly giving, constantly offering blessings, and being ignored.  Imagine the person praying and praying for something. God has prepared the way, but they refuse to see it. They refuse to walk through the door.  He's saying "Here's the door, all you have to do is walk through." 
"When God closes a door, he opens a window" is a common saying.  Maybe he closed the door because you were heading for the wrong one.  Maybe you never bothered looking around and seeing that you've been in a  room full of open doors all along.

God, please, please, please. give me a heart to receive.  Give me the eyes to see the blessings and opportunities you have laid before me.  Give me the motivation and determination to walk through those doors and accept your perfect will for my life.

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